Friday, November 19, 2010
Benefits of Olive Oil
It can be used for more than just cooking. It is considered a superfood, olives contain natural disease-fighting ingredients such as antioxidants, vitamin E, oleic acid, polyphenols and monounsaturated fat - good healthy fat. In fact, a number of health benefits of the oil has been associated to:
Helping reduce cholesterol
Reducing pain
Helping to prevent diabetes
Relieving aches and pains of arthritis
Helping with cancer and heart protection
They are also used as natural home remedies and cures that are known to work wonders:
House cleaning agents
Reducing stretch marks and wrinkles
Reducing hair loss
Soothing diaper rash
Natural cure for eczema and other skin ailment
Benefits of Garlic
Garlic Medicinal Uses
Garlic acts as an antiseptic & helps in curing the wounds very quickly.
One of the health benefits of garlic is that it helps in fighting against various infection & acts against inflammation and infection, including colds, coughs by adding a freshly cut raw clove to food three times a day or take kyolic garlic capsules but raw is always best.
In certain studies in China it has been shown that it contains chemicals that prevent cancer. They suggest that eating garlic on regular basis provides some protection against cancer.
Fresh or cooked garlic or 500 mg garlic capsules twice daily helps in lowers down the blood pressure & cardiovascular problems. It increases the levels of high density lipoproteins & reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood & keeps arteries and heart healthy.
It thins the blood, reduces clotting and helps in controlling blood pressure and poor circulation.
Garlic stimulates the immune system of body & helps in fighting against various diseases.
Prevents & relieves chronic bronchitis, respiratory problems, and catarrh.
It acts as a nasal decongestant & expectorant.
It is also helpful for hum oral asthma, hysteria, dropsy & scurvy.
Garlic works as a cleanser of the digestive system, helps in curing flatulence, kills internal parasites and is an excellent internal antiseptic.
Researcher recommends daily dose of fresh garlic of about 4 gm, equivalent to one or two small cloves for each & every person who wants to keep himself healthy.
There are various historical facts which prove that Garlic has been used from centuries for its medicinal uses. From around 3000 B.C. Chinese scholars are praising garlic. Moreover, workers who were engaged in constructing the Great Pyramids of Giza lived mainly on garlic & onion. During World War I, Garlic was used to control infections in wounds. It was also used for controlling a raging epidemic of flu in 1963 in Russia. So now start taking garlic as a diet in your food & enjoy your life without lots of disease. Most important thing is that it doesn't have any side effect. So you can take it without any doubt. I know now you can't avoid such a nice gift of nature which can help you out in various ways.
Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea is the super tea as it is least processed and provides the most antioxidant polyphenols, notably a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which is responsible for most of the health benefits.
It not just inhibits the growth of cancer cells but also helps in killing those dangerous cells without harming any healthy cell. The greenish-yellow tea has a green, slightly astringent flavor close to the taste of the fresh leaf.
Green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. Moreover, it inhibits the abnormal formation of blood clots which is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke. Green tea represses angiotensin II which leads to high blood pressure & reduces the possibilities of heart attacks.
Green tea can even help in preventing tooth decay. As the bacteria destroying abilities of green tea helps in preventing food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that cause dental plaque.
Green tea drinkers have lower risk for a wide range of diseases, from simple bacterial or viral infections to chronic disease including cardiovascular disease, stroke, periodontal disease, and osteoporosis.
Green tea helps a lot in lowering down the sugar level in a body so its very god for a person who is suffering from diabetes. It will help them in controlling their sugar level without any extra effort. The polyphenols present in green tea extract reduces the amount of amylase produced by conversion of starch into sugar and hence the levels of sugar in the blood also decrease.
One of the great advantages of drinking green tea is still there & I know after listing about this reason you will surely have a hot green tea. That advantage is weight loss. All those who want to be slim, smart & gorgeous will enjoy the green tea because it is natural & don't have any side effect.
As green tea helps in burning the fat & increasing metabolism naturally due to the presence of catechin polyphenols. It lowers down the cholesterol & enhances fat oxidation.
Moreover weight is gained as excess sugars and fats are stored in the body as fat cells. Green tea catechin helps in preventing obesity by inhibiting the movement of glucose in fat cells.
EGCG- a powerful antioxidant with positive qualities is important for any weight reduction program but the balanced diet & regular exercise is also must. Presence of EGCG in green tea makes it more important for any health disorder.
Green tea acts as an antibacterial and antiviral agent. It also helps in getting relief from influenza and diarrhea. It relieves stress, improves bone structure and delays the onset of osteoporosis.
As all other tea it helps in getting relief from depression & headache which is a usual problem of a common man in this busy world.
Green tea is a very useful variety of tea & I know a good poet can write a poem to praise it. I started using it & I am quite sure that you are also making decision to try it out. If yet not decided, decide it fast to get the advantage as earlier as possible & get rid of all your problems.
Benefits of Celery
It is a very good source of folic acid, potassium, and vitamins B1 and B6. Celery also offers a
good source of vitamin B2 and calcium. Even though celery contains more sodium than most other vegetables, the sodium is offset by it's high levels of potassium.Studies have shown that the amount of sodium is not significant even for the most salt-sensitive individuals.
CELERY is one of the very common & effective plant which helps in curing various health disorders which are not easily curable. The green leaves, stem and the bulbous root of celery are all extremely rich & makes celery a very important medicinal plant. There are various health benefits derived from celery and its juice. The medical quality of celery was first described by the Greeks Discorides and Pliny.
It contains balanced minerals, vitamins & nutrients & its oil has strong smell due to concentrations of plant hormones. The presence of the essential oils makes celery special. They are also found in the seeds & can be added to the juice also. These oils have a specific effect on the regulation of the nervous system, and have a great calming influence. Celery is used for its strong stimulating and beneficial effect on a weak sexual system, but as is usual with plant therapies the normally active person does not have to fear an uncontrollable upsurge.
Calories In Celery: 1 cup or 100 gms of celery has only 14 calories. Plant therapy tends to make the system normal. That's why we should prefer the plant therapy to cure ourselves. Moreover these plants don't have side-effects like other therapies. They affect the immune system of body naturally.